Terms of participation


It is not easy to coordinate 250 artists and we need their cooperation with the following things (scroll down for details of each point).

  1. carefully read emails sent by the organizers and respond in time

  2. pay your participation fee 80€ on time (not for artists from abroad)

  3. for hanging your works calculate sufficient time + some extra

  4. unitary sales price 80€ for ALL artworks / editions / etc.

  5. in your own best interest – be present in the exhibition whenever you can

  6. PLEASE: be there on sales-sunday

  7. taking down the exhibition on monday

  8. cooperation and mutual support instead of insurance

1) emails
we invest a lot of time to make everything work as smooth as possible, and to make emails clear and easy to understand – please read them carefully, work through the tasks and respond in time.

2) participation fee
To make ARTmART possible the Künstlerhaus is supporting us with many things (the space, extended opening hours, help from the staff and technicians, printing flyers and posters, some standard press-work…).  All the rest is done or paid for by the team (organizers, interns, helping hands for the organizational work in the months before, coordinating hanging, sales-sunday, coordinating take-down of the exhibition, specific press-relations, online-PR (web and social media), hanging posters, distributing flyers, international cooperations, the list is next to endless…).
We managed to keep the participation fee at 80€ this year again – de facto its the price of your first piece sold.  In case you really havent sold or traded a single piece the participation fee will be refunded (please inform us during, not after the exhibition).  Only curated/selected artists who have paid their participation fee on time can participate.
Artists from abroad, who have travel expeses to cover do not need to pay a participation fee.

3) hanging the exhibiton
_0455Like in the years before there is about 80cm of wall-width for every artist (within that, please do apply a margin to your neighbors work).
Works are put from 70 cm. above floor level to about 3 or 3,5 m high.  The possible dimensions for artworks are: longest side up to 60cm while no edge is shorter than 20cm.  In case your ideas exceed this size limitation for a good reason, contact us well in advance and maybe we can find a solution.  Time for setup is very thight this year.  There is other exhibitions in the space until sunday and they will be taken down on monday until noon.  Current prediction is that at 14:00 we can begin to set up ARTmART and have till 18:00.  Tuesday we start 8:30 in the morning and the exhibition must be complete 18:00.  With the opening set for 13:00 on Wednesday there is no time to fix emergencies.  With the massive number of participating artists there is hardly a chance to respond to individual problems.  PLEASE do come well prepared and with sufficient extra time (if you have to wait for letters or tools, or…).  In your own best interest, in order to make sure that your presentation doesnt suffer in the rush.  BYOT – Bring your own tools (nails, hammers, spirit-levels, measures, pencil, eraser, …) that will speed up your work a lot (we do have a few – just in case – and cooperation and mutual support are central to our concept – BUT bringing your own tools helps a lot under time-pressure).
Please take your packaging back home (and bring it back on monday when taking down your works) – our storage is small, therefore its for extra art-works only (wrapped only in whats necessary for protection).  Experience also shows that chances to find your packaging again after a week are very slim.

4) Buyers pay 80€ per artwork, the way it is presented in the exhibition (including frame, mount, …).  This price is our USP (unique selling proposition), a seductive offer, only available in the context of ARTmART.  Any participant liable for VAT (value added tax), please note that it has to be included in the 80€ (not on top of!).  ARTmART does not act as sales agent or middleman – sales are direct between artist and buyer.  At times when you cannot be present in the exhibition please find arrangements with other artists (in the same room if possible) to take care of your sales.  Only if all else fails, as a fallback option the team can handle a few sales for you if capacities are available – but with no warranties. Editions are handled the same way as outside ARTmART (correctly & clearly labeled edition-numbering  / artist proofs only in the usual quantities / etc).

5) Presence in the exhibition Ausstellung
Most important: this is your possibility to increase interest in your work.  Even for experienced collectors the personal exchange with the artist is usually very much appreciated and adds to the perception of the work.  If someone stops in front of your works approach them appropriately to find out whether they wish some more information or not.  Please be discrete and polite – we dont want our audience to feel pressed.
ARTmART is also a dynamic platform for networking and exchange between artist (and also with artist-driven projects).  The time you are in the exhibition can also be used to trade pieces with other artists, engage in discourse with colleagues, participants from abroad, and visitors – a considerable part of our audience is working in arts and surrounding fields (gallerists, collectors, journalists, other professionals working in culture…)

6) PLEASE: be there on sales sunday
Most transactions – money against works – take place on Sunday (except when artists had works in the storage to replace sold ones on the wall).  The number of sold works on this day is enourmous!  At ARTmART the sales are direct from artist to collector.  The team is organizing 12 zones where one person per 22 artists is working – with this limited capacity we can only help out if all else fails – with no guarantees.  If for any reason you cannot be there on sunday – please make sure to organize someone doing the sales for you – do instruct this person with all they need to know.

7) taking down the exhibition on monday
We have only one day to clear the space and have to leave the walls free from nails and we have to plaster/fill the holes.
Until 17h:
pick up your works
pull your nails from the wall (plz avoid damage)
please be so kind and also fill the holes – we will provide filler/cement and tools.
If you cannot do this on monday, please send someone
who has all the information they need to pick up your works and treat the wall.
Be there in your own best interest – even if our team will be under a lot of pressure we can assist in emergencies but when things have to happen fast the risk of damage rises.  We cannot guarantee for anything.  Damages or loss are less likely if you take care of your works yourself.  There is no insurance for the exhibition:

8) cooperation and mutual support instead of insurance
ARTmART is a “grassroots” concept. In order not to let the participation-fee increase beyond the price of the first work sold.  We rely on mutual assistance rather than an insurance (which btw would be much more expensive than for other exhibitions: thousands of visitors, storage neither lockable nor under constant monitoring, thousands of artworks…).  We can offer you carefulness but no warranty.
You can contribute to keeping your works and other artists works unharmed by following a few guidelines:
– calculate enough time for hanging and taking down your works
(to avoid stressful situations)
– acting careful in the storage
– functional wrapping and packaging
– be present and also have an eye on other artists pieces

Download: ARTmART 2015_Saalzettel – saveable final

Article-Photos © Aris Roupinas